Today I sit on the floor of my empty house while the Maid Brigade works their magic. We got here this morning and scrambled through 3 more hours of final cleaning (on top of the prior 2 weeks of sorting and cleaning). After working every day for the past month and falling into bed exhausted at night, we figure we've earned the right to splurge for 2 hrs of super duper final cleaning. Plus, I don't do windows.
The movers came exactly 2 weeks ago and since then we've been going nonstop. Got rid of all our furniture and some other stuff online via Craigslist and Bookoo. We finished garage sale #2 with prices so low it was stupid. Took all the leftovers to a local thrift store, and finished more boat work in between. Radar, wind generator and all 6 solar panels are now operational. Big win. (more on that later.)
Our boat gear has been whittled down to 4 car-fulls which we ferried to and fro for the past 2 days. Our very good friends have graciously allowed us to take over one full room of their house for boat storage. This way when we get back in August we can take our time trying to find a place for everything. We are also lucky enough to be able to stay in their guest room for several days per week over the next few months (our marina doesn't allow liveaboards.) We just keep feeding them beer and they don't seem to mind all our stuff taking over. But they are skeptical... every time they walk by the room I hear "I dunno, that's alot of stuff..." We are going to have one helluva time trying to fit it all. Well, if it fits, it ships.
We leave for Georgia tomorrow to unpack/store our non-boating gear at my father-in laws house. We reduced our household goods weight from about 17000 lbs to 5000. Not bad considering most of that is Brian's heavy tools. I of course kept framed items and memorabilia and a couple boxes of dishes and way too many clothes. I may end up donating more stuff again just to pare down further. And then there is the quarter-berth cushion which we won't use cruising and the ginormous boat cover that we will never use in the tropics, but we could just not bring ourselves to get rid of. We may end up back on the east coast with the boat so we'd hate to trash it. Also, in order to get ready to live on a boat I scanned and shredded so many documents I felt like I worked at the IRS, so I am pretty much paperless except for 3 boxes of files. Gradually, it's all coming together.
After storing and visiting, we will go up north to Michigan for retirement party#2 July 20th. Only then can we begin to relax. Can't wait!